Blog :: Sep 12 11, 22:28

From the A to the Z....

by Krey, (
Really. I've never actually gave it a thought that I like the norwegian letters æ, ø and å so much..
I feel a little bit disabled not beeing able to use them. :crazy
But its okay.... I'll manage. :-D
In other news; Its raining. I would not be surprised if I woke up one of these mornings and had to just swim to work. Norway is drowning. And in a couple of days I bet it'll turn to snow. And then we'll just be freezing instead. Global warming.. Pff. Global freezing is more like it. Wehey. The world is turning into an icecube. Maybe one day we can just put on some skies and walk the earth around. :D
© 2011 by Krey,


Krey on Sep 12 11, 22:58

Yey! North-European letters for the win! :D 
Rachele on Sep 12 11, 22:52

I do understand !! I miss our Finnish letters ö and ä... å we share !! :-)